Help Reducing Design Cost by Simplify Flow & Resource
Management for System-On-Chip and Complex Electronic Systems
The Innova Project and Design Management (PDM) Software is a revolutionary design project management platform, simplifying the link between design resources and offering an unified and an easy way to predict and track them all together.
Innova in brief -
How to optimize design resources
PDM software platform manages design flow and tools, human resources, and required design resources in a single fully secured cohesive portal.
For each design step, dozens of software packages are usually required and often tens of design engineers are involved throughout a project in electronic or Semiconductor industry such as designing a communication chip or a microprocessor or a multichip electronic system.
There are also significant intangible resources involved: predesigned blocks, various design automation tools, computing resources (server farms, etc.) and design libraries.
Titre 2
The PDM platform is designed for both designers and design managers.
Our platform is made for designer teams overseeing complex and multi-domain projects spanning microelectronics to computer science, its purpose is to provide a centralized solution for efficiently predicting and tracking design projects and the related resources, offering a comprehensive solution for design professional teams and managers alike.
Being fully compatible with design flows and IT systems in place, this disruptive solution serves as a single portal. For one or several design projects, this software solution helps reducing the complexity of managing design flows and computing resources.
Thanks to our solution, optimal decisions can be made almost Realtime at different level (CAD teams, design management, procurement teams, etc.) to better mutualize, add or reduce available resources to optimally fit the needs for one or several design projects.

The only Platform Software that helps
Reducing Design Cost
by Simplify Flow & Resource Management
for Complex Electronic Design Projects

EDA tools/licenses cost reduction & human resources optimization
The PDM platform reports optimal usage scenarios per design project, optimizes computing resources and predicts number of licenses per EDA tool for future project.
It optimizes jobs scheduling with the available design resources.
It makes cost-effective the debug, reuse and tracking processes for complex design flows.

Easy to add/remove and modify entities and links
You can manage/launch flows through graphical interface or a command line. The platform can be used on a nonintrusive listening mode or PDM based jobs launching.
You can use either a friendly graphical interface or a Python-based environment to benefit from PDM basic or advanced features.
The PDM platform allows you to manage all aspects of your project

Create, reuse, build, execute & track complex design flows
Easily Access, Reuse and Monitor Complex Design Flows and Design Steps
The API-based platform intervenes from pre-checks to post-checks to manage the execution in its entirety.
It also manages releases and run tree history.
A full correlation is provided with jobs, users, and design projects, providing a full traceability of the flow.
The « Innova PDM Platform » ensures real-time interaction between design tasks and associated management decisions such as resource allocation and management.
This guarantees much greater predictability in the evolution of complex projects. Unique project management features are offered such as the ability to manage tasks, human, and material resources through simplified task assignments.
Monitor Realtime & Optimize Jobs, EDA Tool Licenses & Engineering Resources
The platform has capabilities to:
Create links between design flows & used resources for complex SoC design projects
Track licenses/tools usage and LSF based jobs with custom report generation.
Optimize tasks scheduling based on resource availability, task priority and other criteria
Thanks to the « Innova PDM Platform », it is possible to consult information related to current projects: progress, rate of occupation of human resources, the anticipation of possible delays and the effects they may have on the rest of the design chain, etc.
Capitalization on past experiences is also possible through consultation and a deep reporting of past projects.
Track and report real-time licenses and executions of EDA flows and tools

Take best benefits from the Deep Learning analysis
The PDM software platform relies on a mature Machine Learning technology by providing an infrastructure to collect data from previous design project.
Also PDM helps analyzing and fixing such data, and afterwards launch automatically the prediction process to help determining in an easy way the most suitable resource configuration for any new project.
Latest news & events

INNOVA technologies serve both semiconductor & electronics industries to help containing design cost in compliance with eco-design criteria

The INNOVA PDM project is co-financed by the European Union in the scope of
the "Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER)"